My Services.

Dream it.

It all starts with you at the center of this journey.

Do you feel “stuck” and notice yourself repeating the same patterns?

Do you often question what you are here to learn, to be, to do?

Perhaps you’re looking to reconnect with yourself and find out what it is that you really want?

Or, maybe you just want to pause the presence of an unhealthy habit while you embrace a newfound liberation…

Your awareness in this moment signifies a readiness to propel yourself forward and receive more !

Sol Session Package 1

This package is for newcomers to personal coaching who want to understand its benefits. It includes three one-on-one sessions of 60-75 minutes each over three weeks.

Sol Session Package 2

This package is for people who want to get more from coaching and make lasting changes in their lives. It includes twelve one-on-one sessions of 60-75 minutes over three months.